David Adams III


I'm working at Texas Torque to produce a world-class robot as part of the FIRST Robotics Competition as the software lead.

I'm a current high school senior graduating May 2025.

You can read more about my experience in my resume.

I spend most of my free time programming, but also play tennis, bike, and am pretty good at table tennis.

Current Projects

Texas Torque's 2025 Robot: Written in Java, this robot utilizes many technologies in order to localize on the field, provide feedback, and add automation in order to aid our drivers in operation of the robot in a smooth & efficient manner.

TAG: Written in Dart w/ Flutter, TAG provides a fun, real-life game that allows groups of friends to play a game of tag where the seeker can track down everyone else.

Sports Bar: React, Typescript, and CSS make up this project that combines live sports scores, visualizations, and discussions to keep users up-to-date on their sports knowledge.

Contact Me

You can email me @ ,

View my linkedin @ linkedin.com/in/david-adams-iii,

Or view my github @ github.com/humandavey.